Membership Operations Manager

Membership operations tasks are directed at maintaining good records about who our members are, how and when to communicate with them, what their financial interactions with us are, which of our events they have attended or plan to attend, and what they might like to do for the organization.


There are three related sets of tasks encompassed in this job called "membership operations" They are listed to the right.

It is not essential that these be done by one person.

If they are separated, checks have to be processed by more than one person, and this introduces an element of risk and delay in the handling of those checks.

The vast majority of the work of the membership operations volunteer is done during the part of the year when members are renewing, which is from late May through about late September. The greatest volume occurs in June and July. During those busy months, it can take 20 hours or more per week to keep up with the volume. During the rest of the year, it takes probably only a few hours per month.

Responsibility areas

Membership records

Membership records are maintained using web-based software from Wild Apricot.

New retirees from ASU are imported by the Database Committee, so most of the maintenance consists of adding or changing information to existing records. Members can maintain their own records for some things, and many of them do.

The majority of record maintenance consists of recording membership renewals and additional donations.

Depositing checks

Membership renewals and donations to the various ASURA funds are often done online using credit cards. However many members still prefer to send checks.

Registration for for-fee events operated by ASURA is by check only.

The vast majority of checks received by ASURA are for membership or other donations. These all have to be entered into the membership records, but not recorded in the ASURA financial books.

Because of this, it makes sense to have one person do both the updates to the membership records and the depositing of checks. The checks can be routed from the ASURA Office to the membership operations volunteer, and from there directly to the Foundation for deposit in the ASURA accounts.

Event-related checks and checks from Friends of the Phoenix Public Libraries need to be recorded in the ASURA financial books), so digital deposit records are be passed to the person doing the bookkeeping.

Submitting Gift in Kind forms

When someone donates books to the ASURA, our office volunteers make sure that they complete a Gift in Kind form so that they will get acknowledgment for the gift from the Foundation. The office volunteers forward completed forms to the Membership Operations Manager, who:

  • Submits a copy to the Foundation for processing. This is done by making a digital copy of each form (if necessary) and attaching that to an email addressed to
  • Files a digital copy on Wild Apricot, in the Financial Records - GIK Forms folder. Help for how to do this is available under "Working with Wild Apricot files".
  • Destroys the paper copy, if any.


Updated 10 Apr 2023 by Connie McNeill