The Membership Operations Manager should be subscribed to ASURA's email obituaries as a means of being alerted that someone from ASU has recently passed, triggering this step. Another trigger would be if someone notifies the Membership Operations Manager directly that a person who was most likely a member has passed.
Below are the steps to follow to make sure that the membership database is updated after a death has occurred.
Look for a membership record for deceased or spouse/partner
If the obit editor has not passed along information about whether the deceased was or was not an ASURA member search the membership database to see whether the person appears.
If you can't find them, you might check various name spellings and full name vs. nickname.
If you do not find the name, see if the obituary mentions a spouse or partner and look to see if that person is a member.
If nothing shows up there is nothing more to do and you can move on to your next obituary.
Determine the membership status of the deceased
If you found a record in the database, open it and note the following:
- Membership Status on the Membership tab - Active or Lapsed
- Spouse's or Partner's Name on the Contact details tab under Additional Member Information - empty or not
- Surviving Spouse/Partner on the Contact details tab under University Affiliation - Yes or No/empty
Update based on status
Read through the headings below to find the combination that matches what you found in the member record. When you find a match, update as shown.
For an active member with spouse/partner who is also a member
In this case the database records for both the deceased and the spouse/partner’s records are updated. To update:
- Enter Deceased Date (on the Membership tab)..
- Delete any email address. Also click on the Email settings and log tab, choose edit, and check the box "disable all emails".
- Save the changes to the member record.
- Locate the membership record for the spouse or partner.
- Add (Deceased YYYY) to the “Spouse’s or Partner’s Name” and save the change.
For an active member with spouse/partner who is not a member
- On the Membership tab, make a note of the spouse's or partner's name for use later. Then enter the name of the deceased person in the "Spouse's or Partner's Name" field, followed by "deceased mm/dd/yy", where mm/dd/yy is the date of death. Also enter the deceased person's name and date of death in the Comments field.
- Change the “Surviving Spouse/Partner” indicator to “Yes” by clicking on the “Yes” radio button. This field appears below “University Affiliation”.
- On the Contact Details tab for the deceased person, click on the left-most gray Edit button. Enter the name of the spouse/partner in First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name fields, replacing the deceased member's name. Save these changes (green button at the top).
- Write a condolence letter or modify a copy of the sample Condolence Letter. The main purpose of the letter is to let the recipient know that their spouse's membership in ASURA has rolled over to them. This is a membership issue so the only signator should be the Membership Chair. You can contact the Business Manager for an digital signature if needed. Mail the letter, or email it to the ASURA office and ask them to mail it.
For an active member with no known surviving spouse/partner
And for a member who is marked as a surviving spouse/partner
- On the Membership tab for the deceased person, click on the gray Edit button -- the left-most one of these buttons.
- Enter Deceased Date and save the change (green button at the top).
- On the Contact Details tab for the deceased person selete any email addressAlso click on the Email settings and log tab and check the box "Disable all emails".
- Save the changes.
For a lapsed member
Since membership is lapsed, you do not extend membership to any surviving partner, do not set the Surviving Partner indicator or send a condolence letter. You do enter deceased date in order to stop any further mailings. We need to determine whether the person was a member last year or not in order to decide whether to archive the record:
- On the Membership tab, enter Deceased Date and save the change.
- If "Renewal Due On" = the most recent July 1, it means the person was a member last year, and we do NOT want to archive their record.
- If "Renewal Due On" is before the most recent July 1, the person was not a member last year, and we can archive their record. To do so, click on the green Archive button.
For a deceased spouse/partner of a living member
- Add (deceased YYYY) to name in the the Spouse's or Partner's Name data field. Save the change.