Add-update a member record

ASURA uses Wild Apricot for membership and event management. This page describes how to create and update a record for a member.

This step should be done even if you believe you are adding a new member. That way we can avoid inadvertently creating duplicates.

Log in to Wild Apricot. If the button in the top right says "Admin view" click on it to switch from public view to admin view.

If you don't see a menu on the left (headed by Dashboard), click on the home icon (upper left) to display it.

Click on Contacts in the left menu and choose "List".

Type the name of the person you want to find in the Search box.

You can use a partial name to look for people who may be there with different spellings or name variations. For example, if you are looking for Jim Johnson he may be there under James Johnson or James Johnsen. If you enter Johns in the search box, you will get a list of all people who have that letter sequence in their name.

If you don't find anyone, try searching the Archives. You can search for archived member records by selecting Archived in the Filter by box. 



While in the Contacts menu, reached as described in the prior step, click on the Add Member button at the top.

Fill in the fields displayed as shown on the person's enrollment form. Some hints:

  • Normally new members will have a Membership level of Introductory Member.
    • Honorary members are people who have been approved by the Board for this status.
    • Honorary is also used for people who are not members but to whom we want to mail information, such as Board liaisons, ASU officers, and contacts at UofA and NAU. The list of these people is reviewed annually by the ASURA Executive Committee, which oversees resulting changes in the member database.
    • Use the Renewal level if the person was at one time a member but is no longer in the archive.
  • "Member since date" should be the current date, unless there is reason to use a different date.
  • "Renewal due on" should be July 1 of the next calendar year -- the correct date should be in the upper right corner of the enrollment form, if you have one. Next calendar year means just that: if this is 2022, then next calendar year is 2023.
  • Password should be left blank.
  • Group participation will be normally be blank.
  • See below for what to do if the person does not want to be listed in the member directory.

When you have completed entering the new member information, click on the Save button on the top. When you see a box asking you to approve the membership application, click on the "Approve" button. You will now be able to use all the tabs for the person. If you made a mistake or missed something, use the instructions below to modify the record.

  • If the person has indicated that they do not want to be listed in the member directory, move to the Privacy tab, then, uncheck "Show profile to others". It is near the top of the page. 

Once the new member has been added and approved, a "Welcome to the ASU Retirees Association" email is automatically sent.

If the person whose information you want to update is archived, click on their name in the list and then click on the "Restore from archive" button at the top of the page. Then you can update as below.

Click on the name of the person whose information you want to update. You will see a record that has several tabs.

Make sure you are in the Contact details tab, and click on the Edit button next to the Profile column (the column on the left). Change information displayed as needed, then click on Save. The indicator for being displayed or not in the membership directory is at the top of the page you see when you click on the member's Privacy tab.

Now switch to the Membership tab and if you need to change any of the information showen there, click on the Edit button that is at the top of the left column. As before, change information as needed and click on Save.

If you have deleted an email address and did not replace it with a new address, click on the tab for Email settings and log. Click on the Edit butt at the top right of the column labeled Email preferences and click on the Disable ALL emails radio button.

If you have made changes in the "I want to Receive" field, check to make sure the overall email settings on the "Email settings and log" tab are consistent with those changes:

  • If you have checked choices for communications that are sent by email and none of those boxes was previously checked, make sure there is an email address present and that settings on the Email settings and log tab are consistent with the choices. For example if the person wants to hear about events, "Event announcements" should be checked. If they want to receive E-News, the "Email blasts" box should be checked.
  • Conversely, if you have unchecked any of the boxes for email communications, the boxes on the Email settings and log tab should be unchecked appropriately. 
  • Do not uncheck the Workflow emails box unless there is no email address for the person. 

If you have checked the box for Prime Times, make sure there is a complete mailing address. If not, the person will have to be contacted.




Instructions for updating the membership database when we are notified of a member's death appear on the Obituary process page, under Post-notice updating.

If there is a need to delete a member or contact record from the database:

  • Find them in the database as described in the first step above.
  • Open their record and click on the "Archive" button at the top of the record.
  • If you don't want them to be in the archive, but just be totally gone, click on the "Delete" button at the top.


To update a member profile, you must have administrative privileges on the Wild Apricot website. These are typically set up by a member of the Website and Database committee.

These instructions are for adding or updating basic member information, and for deleting a member record. There are separate instructions for processing a membership renewal.


Updated 3 July 2024 by Connie McNeill