Email sent to the email address is received by at least two ASURA volunteers. The ASURA President is ultimately responsible for assigning volunteers to this responsibility. The volunteers coordinate with each other about which of them handles which types of messages.
Those who receive the emails are typically:people who are familiar with the operations and personnel of ASURA.
When a message is received, the volunteers who receive it:
- Handle it personally and respond to the sender if that is appropriate;
- Forward it to the appropriate ASURA volunteer if that is indicated.
- Blind copy the other volunteer(s) who received the email so that there is not a duplicated response.
ASURA's gmail account is set up to forward incoming messages to the assigned ASURA volunteers.
Messages are not kept on any email server, with one exception:
- Messages sent from are kept on the Gmail server in a folder labeled "Zoom". This is so that those who are charged with administering the Zoom account can receive the messages directly.
To change the people to whom messages are sent:
- You must have technology privileges, including access to the (otherwise hidden) Technology Accounts page.
- Log in to the Gmail using the ASURA Google account.
- Go to Settings - See all settings - the "Filters and Blocked Addresses" tab.
- Edit the filters as needed.