Financial Operations Manager

Financial operations are the tasks that are necessary to support the financial activities of the organization.


The three areas described below are grouped together here because they are closely connected to each other, and can most efficiently be done by a single person.

Everything involved can be accomplished in a few hours per month, once the procedures are learned.

Tasks require using financial systems (Workday) and desktop applications (Quicken, Excel). They can be fun if you are good at detail and like working with money!

Financial transactions

Financial transactions are used to purchase and pay for goods, services, and gifts. They also are used to transfer funds among accounts. For ASURA, transactions are generated mainly via credit card, in the Foundation Workday system, and via request to the ASU Liaison in the Office of Human Resources.


Bookkeeping in ASURA involves keeping track of income and expenditures in Quicken (or other bookkeeping software) against the ASURA budget. Figures in the ASURA books need to be reconciled regularly to those in the Foundation and ASU Workday systems, since that is where the money actually is.

Financial reporting

The primary financial report, which is produced for most months, is called (surprise!) the Financial Report. It summarizes income and expenditures against the ASURA budget. With it, there is a For-Fee Travel Report that tracks income and expenditure for each event for which registration fees are paid to ASURA.

The "audience" for the reports is the Treasurer, the Finance Committee, and the Board. These two Financial Reports are normally included in Board minutes.

In addition to the reports for the Board, there is a Donations Report that is prepared on demand  if the Membership Operations Manager requests it. Normally, the Membership Operations Manager prefers to request a report on donations from the Foundation, but if getting that becomes a problem, this one can be used. The Membership Operations Manager uses donation reports to enter membership renewals and optional donations in the membership database.



For new managers

If you are a new ASURA Financial Operations Manager there are permissions, accounts, and tools that you will need to carry out your responsibilities. There are also a few one-time tasks to establish yourself as the billing contact for some of the services that ASURA uses.

The following lists these things, and explains how to get them set up. You should take care of them in about this order, as you have to have some things in order to request others, and some things take longer than others.

Getting established

Ask the ASURA Technology Manager or the Chair of the Websites Committee to provide you with the following:

  • Full access to content on this website. Normal access does not permit viewing of some pages such as the Helpful People page. 
  • Administrative access to and inclusion in the Business Managers group of ASURA's Wild Apricot implementation. 

If you want to use equipment in the ASURA office, you will probably want your own key card to get in, since the office is staffed only a few hours per week.

Equipment that you may want to use: computer, printer, scanner. The scanner is handy if someone sends you paper receipts or other documents that have to be uploaded electronically. However, you can also use the camera on your phone to make digital images of documents, so a scanner is not essential.

Ask the office coordinator to obtain an access key for you.

In order to access anything at ASU that requires logging in, you must have an ASURITE UserID. In order to request access to ASU Workday, you will also need to be established as a courtesy affiliate (assuming you are not currently employed at ASU).

  • If you do not have an ASURITE User ID, you can obtain one as part of the following step (requesting a courtesy affiliate account).
  • To be established as an ASU courtesy affiliate ask the HR account contact to submit a request through Service Now  - Service Catalog  - Security - Identity and Access Management -  Identity Management - Courtesy Affiliate Request Add or Renew. The access needed is called "Standby Office Staff". If you do have an ASURITE User ID, provide this for inclusion in the "Additional details" box. When this is approved the person who submits the request is listed as your ASU manager.

Ask the HR account contact to submit a Workday Department Role request for you.  The role to request is “Department View Only”. This page can be reached through Service Now -  the Workday Landing Page, FMS Department Role Request.

As you can see, you will need to provide your affiliate ID and perhaps your ASURITE UserID for the request form. You can find your affiliate ID (or ASU ID) by logging in to myASU, then clicking on the pull-down menu next to your name in the upper right.

The person requesting access for you will also need to request that your Workday Account be "provisioned" to access the ASURA allocation account (CC0507/PG05133) for you. They can do this through their FMS (Financial Management System) Support Team. 

This may take a few days. If you have not heard anything in 5 business days, ask your contact to check on it for you, to make sure the request is in process. 

If you have not used ASU Workday before, you can take advantage of the Foundation Workday training (see next item) to get a sense of how to navigate. The report names and formats are different, but the general way things operate is the same.


The access you need for ASURA accounts in the ASU Enterprise Partner's (ASU EP) Workday system is called "Gift Approver". FYI, the roles available are:

  • Gift Manager - The person responsible for the account, usually the ASURA Treasurer. There is only one of these per account and they are the primary second level signer.
  • Gift Approver - First level signer and additional second level signer.
  • Gift Financial Analyst - View only, no process approval allowed.

To request access, complete a "Database User Agreement" and ask the Treasurer (or whoever is the Gift Manager) to submit it to Submission should be via email, copy to our Foundation account help person. The email should include:

  •  Your email address
  • The accounts (account number and their fund numbers) that you are requesting access to
  • A clear indication of their approval for you to have this access. 
  • A note that points out that access to the scholarship accounts will need someone else's approval, since the Treasurer is not the gift manager on the scholarship accounts

Once you are set up for access, you will log by navigating to (good idea to bookmark this in your browser). Supply your ASU email address, at the prompt, then login with your ASURITE credentials.

Particularly if you have not used ASU Workday, you will want to sign up for basic training in using Foundation Workday. Do so by using the Learning app in the Workday menu -- look for upcoming offerings of Workday Finance 101 and enroll. 

Once you have your Foundation Workday access, you should request a credit card for yourself You will also need delegate status for each card issued to an ASURA person.

To request your own card, use the Requests app in Workday. If you don't have it listed under the menu, add it by clicking on the +Add Apps button at the bottom of the menu and typing "Requests" in the search box. When you use the App, click on "Create Request" under Actions, then chose "Credit Card-New" from the Request Type-All menu. On the form:

  • Employer is ASU
  • Company of the credit card charges is ASU Foundation
  • Cost Center CC0300 and Gift ID G03614
  • Types of expenses  is Other
  • If there is a backup in ASURA who could process expense reports for charges to your card if you are unavailable, name them as your delegate. Otherwise, you may want to use our Foundation account help contact as a delegate for backup. Ask them first, of course.
  • Unless you have already taken the credit card training, click  "Yes" for Expense Module/Commercial Card Training. You will be sent a list of available training dates and times -- offered by Zoom.
  • You should receive an email requesting the name and email of your manager. Reply with the Treasurer (the gift account manager).

You need delegate status for ASURA credit cards so that you can see the charges and submit expense reports for them.

To request delegate status for others' ASURA credit cards, send an email to that lists the names of the credit card holders. These are normally the Events Coordinator, the Luncheon and Special Events chair, and the Adopt-a-Family chair. Your predecessor(s) may also have cards. If they will continue in a backup role, request your delegate status for their cards too.

If your predecessors are no longer going to be involved, you should request that their cards be canceled, using the same Requests app that you used to request a new card for yourself.

Most checks received by ASURA are donation checks. Therefore, check deposits are the responsibility of the Membership Operations Manager. However, you may occasionally have a need to deposit checks if the Membership Operations Manager needs backup.

To deposit checks you will need a Foundation cash bag with associated key. ASURA has 6 total bags, five of which are used by the Membership Operations Manager. You should get the 6th bag and key from your predecessor. Change the card on the outside of it to reflect your own name. The bag is sent back by campus mail to the ASU Mail Code indicated on that card.

You should be listed with Cash Receipts at ASU EP as having the bag. This can be done by email to

ASURA has been using Quicken software for tracking against the ASURA budget.

If you already have your own copy of Quicken, you can use that with the ASURA file. If you don't have Quicken, order a copy (preferably a downloadable copy) with your credit card. The version doesn't matter -- any version should be fine for this simple job.

Once you have Quicken, install it on your computer (or on the ASURA workroom computer if you prefer). You should register your copy to yourself, so that you receive any communications about it at your own email. The file owner can be changed when someone else takes over.

If you are using Quicken on an office computer or in a place where unauthorized access might be a problem, use "File-Set password for this file" within Quicken to secure access to the data. You will be asked if you want ownership to transfer to you, which you do want.

Obtain a backup of the latest Quicken file. Backups are in the Wild Apricot Files - Financial Records - Quicken Backups. Unzip the backup and use the Quicken restore from backup function to install it.

If you are not familiar with Quicken - you can learn easily. There are many totorials available -- just use your browser to search "Quicken tutorial".

If you don't have Microsoft Excel on your computer, you should purchase a copy of Microsoft 365 with your ASURA credit card and install it. You will need to use Excel to create and maintain financial reports.

The computers in the ASURA office do have Microsoft 365 installed.

There are a few places that have a billing contact for ASURA registered. You should update those to have your own contact information and, where applicable, credit card.

  • Wild Apricot. ASURA is set to automatically renew our account for two years, in October. When logged in using the Admin view, click on Account in the menu on the left. If you don't see Account, click on the home icon in the top left to get the left menu. Click on Billing from the menu at the top, note the next billing cycle and the amount, and update credit card and billing contact details. For the credit card details, use your own email address and phone, but for the address, use the one we use with the Foundation credit cards.
  • Zenfolio. ASURA is set to automatically renew our account annually, in late April. You can ask the Technology Manager to help get you logged in to the site. Once logged in, from the asura pulldown in the upper right, choose, account. Under billing, choose Payment information. Update the credit card and billing information. The address is stable, but you should use your own name and phone number.
  • ASURA's Zoom account, set to automatically renew annually in early January. You can ask the Technology Manager to help get you logged in to the site. Once logged in, from Admin-Account Management - Billing Information edit the Primary Payment Method.
  • AROHE (Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education). ASURA has been renewing its membership to this organization each year. We have an unlimited bundle membership for a small organization. You should be set up as the bundle manager and the billing contact. This is best accomplished by having your predecessor email with the new information. Eventually you will receive an email confirming and inviting you to log in. As the bundle coordinator, you can pay for the membership online with your credit card.
  • Adobe team account, set to automatically renew in August. You need to get established as the "contract owner" in order to view and change the billing information. Steps to become the contract owner are:
    • If you don't already have an Adobe personal account, create one using your email address.
    • Have one of the current account administrators for the Adobe team account add you as an administrator.
    • If the current account owner -- presumably, your predecessor -- is available and able, have them nominate you to become the contract owner. You will receive an invitation to become the contract owner. You then have to accept the terms and conditions and enter your Foundation credit card information. 
    • If the current account owner is not available, follow directions for "If the contract owner isn't available" -- scroll down the page until you see these instructions.


Updated 5 Sep 2023 by Connie McNeill