Financial transactions

This page describes responsibilities for paying for things and for making transfers among ASURA's various financial accounts.


The volunteer responsible for financial transactions:

  • Makes purchases in support of ASURA operations when an authorized request is made.
  • Oversees the use of credit cards by ASURA - arranges for those who need them to have them and for those who don't need them to not have them. Processes expense reports for all credit card transactions made by anyone holding an ASURA credit card.
  • Pays invoices for non-credit-card purchases and submits reimbursement requests when personal funds have been used in support of ASURA operations.
  • Submits invoices and payment requests to the liaison in OHR who works with the ASU allocation account, when that account is to be used for payment.
  • Works with the Treasurer to make sure that appropriate Gift Approvers and Gift Financial Analysts (if any) are in place for the Foundation accounts, and to replace the Gift Manager with a new Treasurer when one is appointed.
  • Periodically reviews and updates the invoice and receipt templates  in Wild Apricot to make sure they contain the desired information. The Database Committee can help perform updates if needed.
  • As needed (at least annually when there is a new ASURA President) updates the Gift in Kind form submitted to the Foundation when someone donates books. This can be delegated, of course -- not everyone will feel comfortable updating a PDF file.
  • Serves as backup to the Membership Operations Manager for check depositing.



Use your own Foundation credit card for purchases whenever possible. When you pay for purchases with your credit card, use the following billing address:

ASU Foundation

P.O. Box 2260

Tempe, AZ 85280-2260

When anyone who has one of our credit cards makes a purchase, the purchase will show up under their name in the EP Workday. As delegate on their accounts you can submit the required Expense Report.

The Expense Module/Commercial Card Training (1 hour) provides all the information you will need to process credit card transactions. Documentation associated with the training is provided with the training, and is also available within Workday.

The easiest way to pay for anything is to use a Foundation credit card.

  • Charges show up in the account of the credit card holder. You can switch to the account for any credit card holder by using the pull-down under the account icon, in the upper right. The Switch Account item in this menu should list everyone for whom you are a credit card delegate. You will need to submit an Expense Report for each credit card holder who has incurred expenses during the month.
  • Submit a digitized receipt with a form (Expense Report) that allows you to specify which account should be charged. Expenditures under $50 do not require a receipt. Expenditures related to specific projects (Adopt-a-Family, Video History) must be charged to the account for that project. Other expenditures should be paid from the Operations account.
  • Notify the Treasurer (or a backup, if you have established one) that a transaction is waiting for approval. They then log in to Workday and approve the transaction.
  • The charge will then show up in the general ledger.

When submitting an expense report, DO NOT ITEMIZE. Doing so causes your Expense Report to be routed to a queue for review by someone in the Foundation, and simply delays the whole thing. Review your training materials if you have questions.

Expense reports should be submitted for each month that has credit card expenses and for each credit card holder. It is fine to submit them more often if desired.

The deadline for submission is the 5th of each month following the month that had the charge. The approver for charges (normally the Treasurer) has until the 10th to approve each expense report.



The annual ASURA scholarship be funded as soon as possible at the start of the fiscal year, so that the recipient has the money available in plenty of time for the fall semester.

The source of funds is usually a combination of the Scholarship Spending Account (use all of the available cash) and the Operations Account (make up the balance after using the spending account's available cash). The Treasurer should specify how much to pay, and from which accounts.

To fund the scholarship, complete a Supplier Invoice Request  for each of the source accounts as follows:

  • Company: ASUF
  • Supplier: ASU Scholarship Office
  • Supplier’s Invoice Number “ASURA Scholarship-name of recipient”
  • Control Total Amount: The amount to be transferred to the scholarship office.
  • Memo is GiftID: GF920700399352
  • Cost Center: CC00300
  • Gift: G03616
  • Spend Category: SC7200 Non-ASU Selected Scholarships
  • Complete the Lines tab information to match what was on the first page of the form and to provide the funding account. Check the Service Line radio button.
  • Attachment (use Attachments tab): Letter of award to recipient, and letter from ASURA to Scholarship Office about the award choice.

Training for processing non-credit-card transactions is provided in the Foundation's Workday Finance 101 course (2 hours). Documentation is provided with the training, and also is available within Workday.

For purchases (other than the scholarship) that are not paid by credit card, the purchaser must obtain an itemized invoice for the goods or services. Payment is processed in Workday via an SIR (Supplier Invoice Request).You can find the form by typing "Create Supplier Invoice Request" in the Workday search box.

Payments are made by transfer to bank accounts -- checks are not printed and mailed. Approved SIRs are paid out each Wednesday and Friday.

Suppliers must be established within Workday before you can submit an SIR. You can check whether a supplier exists in the system by typing the name in the Supplier box of the SIR. If it is there, it will display in the box. Do not use suppliers that have a [C] next to their name -- that entry means that they have a Foundation credit card.

If this is a new supplier that you are reimbursing, such as an ASURA committee chair or member who is asking for reimbursement for the first time, you first submit a "Create Supplier Request".

  • First have the supplier / person complete an ACH form. The form is available in Workday via the Finance Documents App, the Banking or Supplier tab. The supplier must provide bank routing information and a PARTIAL IRS Tax ID Number (just the last 4 digits of social security number for individuals).
  • Use the attachments tab of the Create Supplier Request to upload the ACH.

When submitting an SIR,

  • DO NOT USE the spend category Other/Miscellaneous. If you do, the SIR will be returned to you for correction.
  • If you use the spend category "meals/entertainment" you will need to attach a list of attendees. The attendee list can normally be obtained in Wild Apricot.

Use the attachments tab of the Create SIR form to upload the itemized invoice or receipt and, if applicable the list of attendees.

SIRs are reviewed by a Foundation accountant first -- they are returned to the creator if problems are noted. Once the accountant has approved it, notify the Treasurer (or other secondary approver, if there is one) that a transaction is awaiting their approval in Workday. Once they have approved, payment will be processed.


For all expenditures from the University allocation account, provide invoices or, if appropriate, ordering information, to our HR liaison. The liaison then processes payment or places the order.

This account should be used whenever possible for services provided by ASU, such as Mail Services or technology services. It is typically also used for most printing costs.

It is highly desirable to make sure that the full allocation to this account is used each year, so it is important to keep a close watch on it to make sure that what was budgeted is indeed spent here.


Use the Requests app in Workday to transfer funds from one account to another.

  • Type "Transfer" in the Request Type box.
  • The Type of Transfer is normally "Other Transfer". It would only be "Reinvest Payout Transfer" if you are transferring from the scholarship spending account to the scholarship endowment.
  • As a Gift Analyst, you do not need to upload any approvals to submit the transfer.

Annually, right after the new president is installed at the annual meeting in April, the Gift in Kind form needs to be updated to have the new president's name and signature. It may be updated more often if there is a need.

  • Obtain the new president's digital signature. They can sign a clean white sheet of paper and scan that in, or take a well-lighted photo of it to send to you. Use picture editing software to crop it to have very small margins around the signature, and save it as a .png file.
  • Upload the new signature file to the Signatures folder in Wild Apricot. See Working with Wild Apricot files for help in finding and uploading to this folder.
  • Update the Gift in Kind form with the new information and the new signature.
  • Notify the Chair of the Membership Committee and the Office Coordinator that the new signature is available in the Wild Apricot folder. The Membership Committee Chair needs it for the letters that go out during the membership drive, and the Office Coordinator may need it for correspondence.

In general, credit cards are issued to the chairs of:

  • The Events Committee as a whole (the coordinator).
  • The Luncheon and Special Events Committee
  • The Adopt-A-Family Committee

If they have and use credit cards for the purchases they make in the course of their responsibilities, it is much easier for the Financial Operations Manager -- just have to submit expense reports, not Supplier Invoice Requests.

New card

To get a card for a new chair, you will need the person's name, last 4 digits of their Social Security (this becomes the personal ID for the card), email, and cell phone.

Use the Requests process in Workday. The Requests app should be in your menu. When you click on it, choose "Create Request", then type "Credit Card" in "Request Type". Choose Credit Card-New, and complete the form.  For employer, choose ASU, for Company, choose ASU Foundation. For Types of Expenses, choose "Other". For Gift ID, use the operations accounts for the events committees, and the Adopt-A-Family for that committee. For delegates, enter yourself, your backup(s), the treasurer, and probably the person listed under "Foundation Workday help" on the "Helpful people" page. Say "no" to the question about credit card training. Submit the form.

Cancel card

The same Requests process is used to cancel a card. You will need name on the card and the last 4 of that person's social security. Use the same steps as for a new card, except choose Update or Cancel Existing Card instead of Credit Card-New. Complete the form and submit it. As the cardholder to destroy the card.


The "Gift Approver" role in the Foundation Workday allows someone to approve transactions initiated by the Financial Operations Manager, such as Expense Reports or Supplier Invoice Requests. Although the backup to the Financial Operations Manager can approve, more typically it would be the Treasurer.

The bylaws of ASURA specify who may have signature authority on ASURA accounts: The President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President. Any of these can, therefore, be a Gift Approver, but normally only one of them would need to be unless that person is often not available to approve. 

Add Gift Approver

To get a person set up as a Gift Approver, or to remove someone who no longer should be listed on our accounts, use the Workday Request app. Request Tyep is "Request ASU Foundation Gift Approver Changes". When you choose this, you will be directed to a form titled "Workday Gift Access Request Form". Assuming the person has not already been set up with Workday access (they may have been if they held one of the Executive Committee roles previously), the form will require that first the person complete the Database User Agreement Form.

  • Send the new approver the link to the Database User Agreement Form, and ask them to complete it, and also ask them to provide you with their ASURITE User ID. They begin by entering their name and Email Address, and then they get the form to read aqnd sign.
  • When this has been completed and approved, return to the Workday Gift Access Request Form and complete that -- now you can say "Yes" to the question about whether they are already in the Workday system. You will want to include them on the Operations, Adopt-a-Family, and Video History accounts. 

Remove Gift Approver

Use the same form as for adding a Gift Approver, but now you will simply ask to have a person removed from the accounts -- again you will need to provide their ASURITE User ID.

Updated 6 May 2023 by Connie McNeill