Book donation forms

There are two forms associated with the book donation program: an advertising flyer and the Foundation's Gift in Kind Approval form. This page provides access to the two forms and provides instructions for updating them when needed.

Update the donation flyer

Updates to the flyer and the matching web page should be made on request of the Book Donations committee chair. Because these are solicitation documents, they should be reviewed by the Foundation.

The flyer and the book donation web page contain the same information. If one is changed, the other should be as well.

Update the flyer by first updating the Microsoft Word version of it, and then saving the updated version as a PDF.

Download Word version of flyer

  1. Make the desired changes to the Word document and save it to your computer.
  2. Save the document again as a PDF.
  3. Request review from the Book Donations chair and the Foundation. Request Foundation approval by sending the revised document to Make any revisions and if necessary again request approval.
  4. Update the documents on Wild Apricot. They are in the Forms folder. See "Working with Wild Apricot files" if you need instructions on how to do this.

Update the GIK form

  • Review the version currently in use. It is located on Wild Apricot in the Forms folder, where it is named BookDriveGIKForm.pdf.
  • Look for a new version of the form on the Foundation's Workday system - in Finance Documents, Gift Administration - scroll down to see it. (This must be done by the Financial Operations Manager). If there is a new version, download it to your computer.
  • Make sure you have PDF software installed on your computer that will allow you to edit PDF documents and to create fillable PDF forms.
  • Review procedures for working with WA files.
  • Download the digital signature for the current ASURA President to your computer.

If there is a new version of the Foundation form and it is not fillable, create a fillable PDF for it. If the Foundation form has not changed or if it is fillable (as it probably is), you may be able to skip this step, but some of the fields (date to allow for area code, contact phone and Account number to allow multiple lines) may still need to have their properties changed.

  • Use your PDF software to open the form and create from it a fillable PDF. See directions for how to do this using PDFill PDF Editor Professional. Be sure to do all pages of the form. 
  • Save the fillable form on your computer (File-Save the Edited PDF As) with the name BookDriveGIKForm.pdf.

Open the form -- either the new one you just created, or the old one that needs revision. Even though this step can be completed with standard PDF software, the next one can't so you might as well open and use PDFill PDF Editor for everything.

In the Donor Information section:

  • Enter "Books" in the "Property or Service Donated" box.
  • Check the box next to "ASU Foundation" (may well be already checked).

In the "To be completed by ASU representative" section:

  • Enter "ASU Foundation - ASU Retirees Association" in the area for "Department to Receive Gift".
  • Enter the chair of the Book Drive committee in the "Contact Person" box.
  • In the Contact Phone box, enter "contact phone, contact name" then a carriage return, then "480-965-7668, ASURA".
  • In the box for "Print Name of Department Head", enter the "name, President ASU Retirees Association", where "name" is the name of the current ASURA President.
  • In the box for Account Number, enter "G04368/FD300" then a carriage return, then "ASURA Special Projects"
  • To replace the President's signature (assuming you are using PDFill Editor):
    • From the Edit menu, choose "Select original image-Select original image".
    • From the Edit menu, choose "Delete-Delete original image only".
    • Drag over the signature to select it. Right-click on the selected signature and choose "Delete". You should see an "X" through the signature.
    • From the File menu, choose "Save the edited PDF as", choose "_new" from the "Saving File Name Ending" box, and click on the SavePDF as button and save to your computer. You now have a form with no signature.
    • Close the form in PDFill without saving changes.
    • Re-open the form using "New Project to open a new PDF".
    • From the Insert menu, choose, "Image or PDF Page - Image from File". Draw a box in the area where you want the signature to be, i.e., over the line labeled "Signature of Department Head".
    • Navigate to the signature that you saved in the first step, and click on Open. If you want to adjust the size of the inserted signature, drag on one of the corner circles.
  • Save the form (File-Saved the Edited PDF as), with the box "Saving File Name Ending" changed to blank. It should be named BookDriveGIKForm_new.pdf, overwriting the file you created in the previous step.
  • After reviewing the form to make sure it looks okay and works as intended, rename it to remove the "-new".

Replace the old version of the form in the Forms folder of Wild Apricot.

Since the office volunteers provide forms to book donors, it is wise to alert them when a new form is available:

  • Send an email to the office coordinator(s) and the ASURA Membership Operations Manager to say that the form has been updated, and remind them of where they can find it on this website.
  • For their convenience, attach a copy of the updated form.


Updated 29 Apr 2024 by Connie McNeill