Database committee

The Database Committee is responsible for the design and integrity of the membership database, and for providing reports and analysis of the membership data.


The membership database is housed on Personify's WildApricot platform. That platform is also used to manage ASURA events.

The database committee works with the membership database to:

  • Maintain the overall integrity of the data.
  • Import groups of new ASU retirees.
  • Make design changes as needed to respond to requests from the Board or the Executive Committee. Changes are made in close cooperation with the Membership Committee, the Business Manager, and others involved in membership-related operations.
  • Provide reports and analysis of the data as requested by the Board or the Executive Committee.
  • Troubleshoot data-related problems reported by other volunteers.


Specific Tasks

The following tasks are completed at the end of each calendar quarter:

These tasks are performed once each year, at the times indicated:

Sometimes the Board or the Executive Committee will discuss changes in policy or in reports that will mean design changes that the Database Committee and, possibly, the Membership Committee would need to make. The Database Committee should provide input to the Board discussion on feasibility and timing. Examples:

  • A  different combination of membership fee and membership renewal period or date will require a new Membership Level. A new level would be set up by the Database Committee, which would also make changes in Saved Searches and in the Membership Report to deal with the new level appropriately. Associated new Membership Enrollment forms and new membership drive notices would be the responsibility of the Membership Committee, with help and/or consultation from the Database Committee.
  • Collecting new data will require adding a new field or fields to the database. This is relatively easy. WildApricots' help is very extensive. Help could be searched for "Adding and modifying database field" if needed. Any new fields will probably also need to be added to the Membership Enrollment forms, and to the notices that are sent when a renewal is completed. These are the responsibility of the Membership Committee, but the Database Committee members may need to assist.
  • New committees would mean new Volunteer opportunities, which are fields in the database and on the Enrollment forms. Analysis should be done of how best to present those to members. The new committees will also need to be reflected appropriately on the websites, which is the responsibility of the Websites Committee.

Sometimes ASU changes data that ASURA imports and uses. Occasionally that means changes in the import process or the database and associated processes, saved searches, and forms. The most likely to impact would be:

  • A new campus or a new campus name.
  • A new Employment Category, or a deleted category.



Updated 9 Aug 2022 by Connie McNeill