ASURA uses credit cards, issued through the Foundation, for many of its transactions. The Business Manager has one card as well as other ASURA volunteers who make frequent purchases. The Adopt-A-Family Committee is issued a card; others can request one from the Business Manager.
The ASURA Business Manager makes the arrangements with Foundation personnel, with approvals signed by the ASURA President, and provides the card to the person who needs it. In order to obtain the card, the Business Manager needs to have a signed Cardholder Agreement and the last 4 digits of the intended cardholder's Social Security number. When the person no longer needs the card, he/she returns it to the Business Manager who arranges with the Foundation to have it canceled.
The ASU Foundation acts as the Association’s banker and all Association money passes into and out of the Foundation. The Foundation requires someone other than the Business Manager to approve the credit card purchases which has typically been done by the Treasurer.
Read about approval process