The ASURA Bylaws (Article V.D.5) establishes this position along with its duties. The Executive Board nominates a Board Member for this position and the nomination is ratified by the ASURA Board
The ASURA Bylaws (Article V.D.5) establishes this position along with its duties. The Executive Board nominates a Board Member for this position and the nomination is ratified by the ASURA Board
The Treasurer and Financial Operations Manager work closely together. At the current time the financial records are all maintained by the Financial Operations Manager who prepares monthly statements of the Association’s financial transactions. These statements are reviewed by the Treasurer who presents them to the Board during the monthly Board meetings.
In September the Treasurer requests the Finance Committee to perform the annual review of the Association’s expenses.
All money collected by ASURA is banked with the ASU Foundation. There is a separate University account that can be used for acceptable expenses. See "Financial accounts" for information about these accounts. Note, as Treasurer, you have access to the page so if you see Access denied contact the Technology manager to get permission.
Since members can donate to any of four different areas, operations, Adopt-A-Family, Video History, and the Scholaship Endowment, the Foundation requires that each area be its own gift account. The following information is similar to what is contained on the Financial accounts page but is more geared for helping to create the budget.
The ASU Foundation acts as the Association’s banker and all Association money passes into and out of the Foundation. All of these transactions are conducted using Workday. Once a transaction is submitted it must be approved by someone other than the person submitting it before it is executed. Workday has a variety of manager titles that have a varietyof permissions; ASURA has two manager types to handle its transactions, a Gift Manager (the ASURA Treasurer) and a set of Gift Approvers.
The Gift Manager is the owner of the gift accounts. There can be only one owner and hence only a Gift Manager. The Bylaws (Article V, Officers) state that the following shall have signature authority on all ASURA financial accounts: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. Of this set the Treasurer is the logical ASURA Officer to be the Gift Manager.
The Gift Manager has permission among other things to submit transactions, review past transactions, and approve transactions they did not create. Gift Manager also have approval authority for new Gift Approvers.
One step down from a Gift Manager is a Gift Approver. Gift Approvers can submit transactions and approve transactions provided they did not initiate the transaction. They also have access to reports of past transactions. There can be more than one Gift Approver.
During the summer the Treasurer creates a budget that is presented to the Board at the September meeting for review, updating, and approval. There is material in the right column that presents a process for developing a budget.
During the September Board meeting, the Treasurer presents the following two documents for discussion and review.
Presenting the report closes the books on the previous year's expenses. The report shows how ASURA spent its money during the previous fiscal year. The Treasurer may have a few comments about items in the report, e.g., the performance of the Scholarship Endowment, and should be prepared to answer questions that might arise. If this is the Treasurer's first year, they may wish to defer some of the questions to the Financial Operations Manager.
The draft budget approval form, see information in the right-hand column to learn how to create this form, is a modified version of the Financial Report. The first column has the categories, the seond column has the proposed budget values for the current fiscal year and the third column shows the activity for each item from the previous fiscal year. The third column allows a comparison between the budgeted current fiscal year expenditures and the actual expenditures from the previous fiscal year.
The Treasurer may have specific items in the proposed budget they want to point out and discuss, e.g., the Scholarship payment from the Operations account, etc. The Treasure should be prepared to explain any of the proposed budget items and values.
The discussion may generate some suggested changes to the budget which the Treasurer will make and present at the October Board meeting for final budget approval. The Treasurer should ask the Board for tentative approval, pending any modifications agreed. If there are no changes or only some "minor" changes, the Treasurer can ask for full approval of the budget.
During each Board meeting the Treasurer presents the most recent Financial Report, prepared by the Financial Operations Manager. The report shows the budgeted amount for an item along with the year-to-date activity for the item. The report is divided into six sections: ASURA Operations, General University Allocation (HR), Special Projects, Adopt-A-Family, Video History, and Scholarship Endowment Fund.
The Treasures may want to highlight some items in the report and there may be questions from the Board but for the most part there is little discussion of the Financial Report. While there is really no reason to ask for Board approval of the report, historically this has often been done.
While most of the budget items in the Financial Report are self-explanatory some are not and the following material gives insight to what the items are.
Donations, including membership donations - this item combines the money received from membership renewal with any additional donations made by members to support ASURA's operation.
ASURA gets $7,000/yr that it can spend on operations. The goal is to reduce the account down to zero each fiscal year.
The account was used to deposit money from the book sales (and other fundraising projects before then being transferred to the Video History and/or the Scholarship Endowment Spending account. This account was closed in fiscal year 2023 since fundraising money can be split and deposited directly into the correct accounts. Special Projects will no longer be shown in the ASURA Financial Report starting fiscal year 2024.
The income and expenses for these two accounts are self-explanatory.
Scholarship Endowment Principal - The "Payout to Endowment Spending" is done in February and is based on a formula that includes the current endowment principal as well as the investment history. This payout is not available until the next fiscal year.
The Treasurer works with the ASURA Financial Operations Manager and perhaps the President to develop the budget. The first step is to update the budget form for the current fiscal year. The budget form need not change from year to year but often does with the addition of new expenditures and the deletion of expenditures no longer done.
The budget form is an Excel file with four columns: a column for the item description, e.g., Membership Drive, a column for the agreed budget value for each of the items, a column for the year-to-date activity for each of the items, and a column for comments. Following is a possible approach to updating the budget form for the current fiscal year.
Once the budget form for the current fiscal year is established the next step is to establish values for all the items listed in the form. Establishing values is a cooperative effort between the Treasurer, the Financial Operations Manager, and a variety of committee chairs and coordinators. Following is some suggested sources and way to generate budget values (comments based on fiscal year 2023's budget form.
Once the form is completed with all the values and additions and subtractions from the form, same the budget form and send a copy to the Financial Operations Manager. The Financial Report will use this budget form. Also send a copy to the chair of the Finance Committee, so they can complete the Financial Health analysis.
Income comes from two sources: membership donations (dues) and donations directly to Operations. You can look at the size of the paying members, see the membership report appended to the Board Minutes, and multiply it by the dues amount. The size of the donations to Operations can be found but requires a using Wild Apricot. Historically this value has been set to something a bit more than the previous year's value.
These costs are shared with the General University Allocation (HR) and you will need to work with the Financial Operations Manager to determine the split. The actual costs for the services should probably be bumped up a percent or two.
You will need to contact the Chair of the Luncheons and Special Events Committee to see what events they are planning and what venue / food costs, if any, will be associated with the events. If you don't hear back it is probably reasonable safe to assume the same events for the upcoming year but you will want to confirm this when the budget is presented to the Board. You might want to get the venue cost and food costs for the previous years events from the Financial Operations Manager. It is safe to assume that the Annual Meeting will require a paid venue and something for food.
There are a variety of other costs, a few of which are shown below
Transfers are use for moving funds to the Adopt-A-Family account and to correct errors, e.g., money incorrectly deposited in the Operations account. The amount transferred to the Adopt-A-Family account should be enough so that the transfer plus the money still in the account from the previous year and donations sums to $2,200 (approved amount in 2023 budget).
This items was removed from the budget form in the 2024 Budget.
Check with the chair of the Adopt-A-Family to see if the current allocation is sufficient. If there is a change then the transfer amount shown in the Operations section will need to be adjusted. This account is their money which they can spend as desired without Board or Treasurer approval.
Check with the chair of the Video History project to see what plans they have for spending. This account is their money which they can spend as desired without Board or Treasurer approval.
There is not much you can do but make a guess as to what will happen. The only items that ASURA has any say about is the Payout from the Endowment Principal. The payout is made in February but cannot be spent until the next fiscal year. Since ASURA now pays for the Scholarship in May there will be two payouts, one that can be spent during the current fiscal year and one that cannot be used until the next fiscal year.
The document that you present to the September Board meeting, FYXX_Draft_Budget, is a minor modification of the final budget form. The following are instructions on creating the budget approval form.
Updated July 16 2023 by BW McNeill