Create a simple event

How to create a simple event in Wild Apricot

Below are instructions on how to create a simple event on Wild Apricot. Simple events are those that only require an RSVP or are for information only, e.g., pre-retirement seminars or none ASURA organized events. If the event needs special information or has constraints, e.g., members only, registration limit, the event is not free, etc., then you need to use the advance event process.

The Wild Apricot simple event creation module uses three tabs in a gray horizontal menu bar to control movement between the various tasks that need to be accomplished. 

The tabs are:

  • Event details– which is where the event’s web page is created
  • Emails – where event announcements are created
  • Registrants & Invitees – where a list of registrants and registrant reports is located (only shows up once the event has been created)

Create simple event

Before starting to add an event it is important to have all the necessary materials on hand. At minimum you will want to have:

  1. A description of the event. This will come from the event committee chair.
  2. The date, time, and location of the event. This will come from the event committee chair. Note: if there are any restrictions on the event you will need to switch to the advance event process.
  3. A graphic for the event. You will need to locate an appropriate graphic and save it at a known location on your computer. There are a variety of places to get a graphic. If the event is a presentation a picture of the presenter may be available from ASU, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. For some events a picture from a past ASURA event makes sense and these can be found in the ASURA Photo Gallery. Another source of pictures is clipart – enter “event topic clipart” in your browser search engine to get pages of possible graphics, e.g., “stress clipart”.
  4. Any paid event that uses Wild Apricot to handle registration must have a Mail-in Registration form. You can create the form from scratch (not recommended) or you can download one of the following sample fliers and modify it.

Once you have all your materials log onto Wild Apricot switch to Admin view. If you cannot remember how to do this see Navigating WA's public and admin menus.

The first thing you need to do is to open Wild Apricot's event creation module. This can be done in a variety of different ways:

  1. In Admin view you should see a gray vertical menu bar on the left side, click on "Events"
  2. What you do next depends on whether you are creating new, duplicating or editing the event.
    1. Creating new - Click on the green “Create new event” button. This brings up the “Choose event type” page. Select “Advanced” which brings up the “Events details” editing page, the starting point for creating the event.
    2. Duplicating - It is often easiest to duplicate a similar past event and then edit it to match the new conditions. To duplicate a past event:
      1. from the event list seach for the desired previous event and click on the event
      2. open the "Edit" pulldown menu and select "Duplicate event"
      3. the event is now ready for editing.
    3. Editing - scroll down the list of event until you find your event. Click on the event. The event opens up in the Event details page.
  3. If you are not already in edit mode, click on the blue "Edit" button towards the top the page.

You are now ready to create / edit the event.

There are only a few things that you need to do to define the event. Since you are already in edit mode you can start immediately adding event details. Following is a list of places to enter information.

  1. Basic information
    1. Title - enter the name of the event.
    2. Event URL - will already be set. You will need this link for the announcements to allow online registration.
    3. Tags - tags are used to organize the event types and define which calendar the event will be displayed on. Click on one of the following evet types"
      1. free
      2. pre-retirement
      3. non-asura-event
  2. When and where
    1. Location - enter the event location, name and address
    2. Time zone – skip.
    3. Start date - enter the “Start date” using the pull down calendar to select the date
    4. Time  - enter the starting Time.
    5. End date - skip except for events that last more than one day
    6. End time - enter if known
  3. Registration
    1. Available period From - use the pull down menu to set the start of registration
    2. Available period Through - use the pull down menu to set the closing date for registration
    3. Guests - check the box if guests are allowed
    4. Guest limit - set the limit on the number of guests permitted
    5. Cancellation - you need to decide how to handle cancellation, there are two choices
  4. Registrants - Check the “Show registrants who want to be listed” box and then select  the “to everyone” option.
  5. Description Graphic (right column) - Insert an appropriate graphic at the top of the event description. The goal is to have a graphic that covers the event description. If your graphic is too small you will need to get a second graphic. You can adjust the size and border of the graphics by mousing over the graphic and clicking on “settings” in the upper left of the graphic. See Advanced WA editing techniques to see how to upload and where to save an image.
  6. Description Text (right column) - Enter the description of your event. You will have something from the event organizer which you may want to edit. Typically for seminars the description is written in the third person and presents “facts, just the facts mam”; for the social events a first person or more personable tone is used. 

    There is generally no need to include the event name, date, time, location in the event description. This information is already displayed on the webpage to the left of the description in the orange/gold box.

    If you plan to go public once you have finished the Registration types and settings tab (recommended), then you will need to add, at the bottom, information on how to register. It is recommended that use a heading, e.g., Registration followed by the ways a member can register. For example, You can register by

    1. clicking on the registration button on this page.
    2. calling the Office at 480-965-7668

      If you are posting the event before registration “officially” opens, not recommended, you will leave the how to register material off, to be added later and include a sentence at the bottom indicating when registration will open. Generally, once an event is defined and made public registration is enabled (see Registration types and settings in a following accordion to set registration dates).

      If you want to include the event organizer’s phone and email that is fine but this has typically not been done.
  7. Click on the “Save” button. At this point the third gray menu button, "Registrants & Invitees", next to the "Emails" button.
  8. At this point it is generally a good idea to take a look at what you have created. To do this:
    1. Set the visibility to Public and turn on registration
    2. Click on the “Website” menu item in the left column and switch to Public view
    3. Click on “ASURA Events” in the black “Events” menu
    4. Scroll down until you see your event and click on the link and review the page you have created. There is almost always something not quite right.
    5. Click on the House icon at the left side of the gray horizonal menu. This will bring you back to your “Event details” page for your event.
    6. If there were edits to be made, make the edits and repeat this step.
  9. Before leaving you have a choice to make; chose one of the following:
    1. Set visibility to Public and turn registration on (recommended) - event will be visible and members can register
    2. Set visibility to Public and turn registration off - event will be visible but no one can register
    3. Set visibility to Admin only - the event is not visible to public which is the setting you should use if the event is not completed.

Once you complete the Events details,, i.e., make the event's webpage visible to all and turn on the registration. It is not necessary to wait until the event email announcements have been created before doing this. However before going public you should have the event's chair look at the webpage to make sure the page is acceptable. You will have to make the page public for the event's chair to see the page.

Once you get the thumbs up from the chair to proceed:

  1. Click on the “Admin only” link towards the top of the page.
  2. Select “Public” from the popup window and then “save” – this access allows anyone to view the event and is what you will generally eventually want.
  3. Click on the “Allow registration” button which will move and turn blue. 
  4. Once this is done, a registration button will magically appear on the webpage.

    Two notes
    1. while not required, common practice has been to have registration open at the same time the webpage goes public; this saves having to add a caveat about when registration will open on the webpage, and
    2. registration will only be open for the dates you have selected.  So, if the current date is not within this window registration will not be open and you will need to add a note to the webpage. On the other hand, if you did not enter any registration dates, then registration is now open.
  5. Once the event's registration has opened your need to:
    1. alert the Office Coordinator(s) to let them know that the Office may be getting questions about the event and requests to register. You need to let the Office know  the event is a free event.
    2. alert the Website Committee chair that the event's registration has opened and you would like the event posted on the ASURA Home page. 

Advertise - manage simple events

The emails tab is where the event email announcements are created and scheduled. There are two types of emails associated with an event; those used to advertise the event and those generated by Wild Apricot as part of the registration process. For ease of presentation the tasks have been broken up into three major tasks:

  • Task 1 - Administrative Housekeeping (who gets what)
  • Task 2 – Advertising Message Preparation (event information)
  • Task 3 - System Message Preparation (registration information).

The following tasks ensure that replies to event advertising emails will go to the event organizer, that there will be no emails automatically sent to ASURA and that the WA generated event process emails will not go to the event organizer.

  1. While in "Event details" click on blue "Edit" button and then on the gray "Emails" tab. This opens up the email options for the event.
  2. Event Organizer - this is the person or organization that will receive email replies when a member "replies" to any of the email announcements. It should be the chair of the event. To change, click on "Change..." and enter the name of the chair in the search box. Click on the name and then on "Select" 
  3. Make sure the “Copy emails according to email routing settings” is not checked.
  4. Registration emails (right hand column) - these are the system emails that WA sends as part of the registration process, e.g., thanks for the registration. Make sure that all the "Send copy to organizer" are not checked.
  5. Click on the blue“Save” button.

The following material explains how to create and schedule the emails that are sent to the members advertising the event and reminding those who have registered that the event is imminent. Editing these emails is something several event chairs have learned to do.

Prepare email announcement 1

There are four messages that you will need to edit: Announcements 1, 2, & 3 and Reminder 1 (and sometimes Reminder 2). These emails are the principal method of advertising the event and you will be editing either a system generated default announcement or an old announcement if you created the event by duplicating an old event. The announcements use system macros, i.e., text enclosed in {}. The default announcements use yellow highlighting to indicate the minimum that has to be modified. To get to the where you can  create/edit these announcements click on the gray "Emails" button.

To prepare your announcement:

  1. Open the announcement you want to edit by clicking on the blue announcement you want to edit, e.g., Announcement 1, Announcement 2, Announcement 3, or Reminder 1 (Reminder 2/3).
  2. Click on the Edit button
  3. In the gray horizontal menu stripe click on Layout ,select 1 column and then click on the Apply button. This gives a much nicer looking email.
  4. The next two things to check are whether:
    1. Reply to: this should be the event chair and if it is not this means something went wrong during the Administrative email task.
    2. Subject: -the email subject, located in a box above the body of the email should read “First/Second/Third Announcement/Reminder for {the event title}. It is best to use the {Event_Title} macro rather than typing in the title
  5. Remove any yellow highlighting as follows:
    1. select the yellowed text,
    2. click the “A” with the black boarder in the editing toolbar, and
    3. click on the white box in the pallet of colors.
    4. delete or modify any yellowed text that is information about creating the announcement and not part of the announcement.
  6. Edit / create the announcement. While creating the announcement there is one macro you don’t want to use is the {Event_Details} marco, enticing as it may seem. Using this macro is an easy way to get the event material off the webpage into an announcement but once you do this you lose control of the announcement formatting and content and typically the formatting and content on the event page is not what you want in the announcements.

    The typical announcement layout is:

    1. Begin with the email recipient’s first and last name or just the first name. Use either the {Contact_FullName} or {Contact_First_name} macro.
    2. Next insert a left justified graphic which may or may not be one of the graphics used on the events page. See Advanced WA editing techniques to see how to upload and where to save an image.
    3. Next add the event title, left justified; use the {Event_Title} macro and increase its font size to something just a bit larger than the announcement text.
    4. Next follows three lines: Date, Time, and Place or Location. These should use the appropriate event macros, e.g., Date:  {Event_Date}.
    5. Now enter the announcement text. You are free to choose any font and font size; historically the announcements have used Arial 16pt. Whatever font you use make sure all the text uses the same font. Spacing of 24 pt rather than using automatic makes the email easier to read.

      The tone of the announcement should be personal, an invitation from the event organizer. If you like the text on the event page than copy and paste it into the announcement. You should feel free to add material encouraging members to attend.
    6. The last part of the announcement is information on how to register. There should be a Registration heading followed by some introductory text, e.g., to register
      1. Online - Insert the "Event URL" shown in the "Event details" tab into "Online". 
      2. Call the ASURA Office at 480-965-7668.
    7. Include a closing date for registration.
    8. Finally include a closing, e.g., Best regards, followed by the event organizer with  a title.
  7. When completed click on the blue “Save” button
  8. Click on the green “Send test email” button and review the sent email announcement. You should check to make sure the formatting is ok and that any links actually link to the correct location.
  9. If there are any edits required click on the “Edit” button, make the changes, and then click on “Save”. You should again send a test email to make sure all is well.
  10. When you are satisfied forward the test email to the event organizer for approval and or suggestions.
Prepare announcement 2

The second announcement is generally the same as the first announcement. There are a couple of ways to create this announcement.

  1. Create the announcement just as you did for the first announcement
  2. Copy and paste from the first announcement to the second announcement
  3. Copy the html code for the first announcement a paste replace the html code in the second announcement with it.
Prepare announcement 3

Announcement 3 is the same as announcement 1 except the text has been replaced with a shot statement to the effect that it is not too late to register (or something like that).

Prepare reminder

Reminder emails are only sent to those who have registered and are used to alter the member that the event is close and if there are last minute instructions about parking, etc. they can be included. The default system email can be tailored as necessary but is for most events adequate. In some cases events have sent out two reminders, especially if there is a number of special instructions or documents that should be understood before attending the event.

Schedule announcements and reminders

The number of event announcements that you send is not fixed but generally two or three are recommend. If you send more than three members may begin to feel they are being spammed and select to unsubscribe (an option at the bottom of the email).

  • Event Announcement emails are only sent to members who have not already registered
  • Event Reminder emails are sent only to those who have registered for the event.

To schedule an announcement or reminder:

  1. Select the message you want to schedule, e.g., Announcement 1, Announcement 2, Announcement 3, or Reminder 1 or 2 and click on the gray “Schedule” button,
  2. Enter the number of days before the event; the send date will appear in gray just below the box you where you entered the number of days before the event. The schedule should be checked with the event's chair;  typically the schedules are:
    1. announcement 1 - 4/5 weeks before the close of event registration
    2. announcement 2 -  15 days before the close of event registration
    3. announcement 3 - 4/7 days before the close of event registration
    4. reminder 1 - 1/2 days before the event
    5. reminder 2 - 3/4 days before the event
  3. For announcements 1, 2, and 3,Select the “Selected contacts” radio button and then check the “Member levels”, box and then “All levels” box.
  4. Click on the gray “Schedule” button.

Note: if the scheduled date is not what you want repeat steps 1, 2, and 4, adjusting the days before the event until you get the desired date.


Review announcement delivery

Occasionally Wild Apricot has difficulty successfully sending the announcement and some recipients do not get them. To check, select “Log” from the “Email” menu on the left side of the screen and find your announcement. There will be statistics stating what percentage have received or failed to receive the announcement. Once the percentage reaches one hundred, and this may take several minutes, if any of the announcements failed to be delivered click on the red percentage button and then on the “Resend to selected failures” button. You need to check back to see that these redos were delivered. In most cases all the redoes will be delivered but occasionally there will still be some that were not delivered. Send the names of those who did not receive the announcement to the Business Manager who will find out why the email address we have is not working.

There are two Registration emails.

  • Event registration confirmed - Sent after registration was paid or confirmed by administrator
  • Event registration canceled - Sent when registration is cancelled by registrant

The default system emails are generally fine and you will not need to change anything. But if there are some special instructions, you may want to modify one or both of these emails.

To review either email

  1. Click on the blue link over the desired email in the right column
  2. Review the email. At a minimum it should have an appropriate Subject, e.g., Event Registration for the event title, the ASURA logo, the person’s name, a statement to the effect that their registration has been successfully received, a statement directing them to the ASURA Office if they have questions, the events: name, date, time, and location. It may also include some registration information, e.g., name, email, phone.
  3. If the text looks good then you are done and you click on “Back”. If there are some edits needed then click on the “Edit” button, make the edits, and click on “Save”. When you click on the “Edit” button you will see that the email uses a number of Macros.
  4. It is a good idea to send a test email to confirm that the email is what you want.
  5. The Event registration canceled email is rarely if ever used but you should take a look at what it says to make sure it make sense.

The Registrants & invitees tab makes it easy to search the attendees based on registration type, name, date, etc. There are options for generating reports. Events chairs often need the information available using this tab but they generally ask an Office volunteer to get the information. See the information on the Event registration tasks page to get instructions on how do these tasks.

February 4, 2025 by B McNeill