Occasionally a member, who has paid for an event, calls the Office and asks them to cancel their reservation or maybe just the reservation for a guest.
- If the request comes before the registration deadline, the request can be processed (as shown below) and the member is eligible for a refund.
- If the request comes in after the registration deadline, then the caller is told it is too late to cancel and their payment will revert to a donation.
Cancelling a registration for member and/or guest can be done using the following three step process.
Step 1 – Open the Event
- Log onto Wild Apricot
- If you came up in “Public View” click on the “admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
- Select “Events” on the gray menu bar (not Events in the black bar)
- Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
- Click on the event to open it up
Step 2a – Remove Attendee or Invitee
- Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and locate the attendee. Only continue if the attendee is shown as paid. If not shown as paid, stop and go to the accordion on "Registration deletion (not paid or free event)" to process a deletion.
- Click on the attendee and then on "Cancel reservation"
Step 2b – Remove a Guest
The method used to remove a guest depends on whether contact information has been collected or just the number of guests.
- If contact information on the guest has been collected:
- Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and select the attendee or Invitee who has a guest to be removed.
- click on the guest’s name in the list of names at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on the “Delete guest” button.
- If no Contact information on the guest has been collected:
- Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and select the attendee or Invitee who has a guest to be removed.
- click on the “Edit” button and edit the registration to remove the guest(s)
Step 3 - Process Refund
Getting a refund requires some additional effort for the attendee so it is important to keep the attendee on line until you know if they have paid and are elgible for a refund. If they are elgible the attendee must:
- download and complete a W4 form.
- Send the completed from to the ASURA Office
Once the Office receives the completed W4, they send it to the Business Manager to process the refund.
If the person says this is too much and that ASURA should keep the money (maybe for one of the programs, Adopt-A-Family, Scholarship, Video History), then pass this information along to the Business Manger so they can process the money as a donation and not money for the event.