Event registration tasks

Managing an event once it has been created requires carrying out a number of tasks. Details on how to do the typical registration requests and how to process registration types is given below

Read overview of event process

Registration requests

Once an event is created and registration is open there are a number of tasks that routinely get done, e.g., add or delete attendees,  generate a variety of event reports. Generally an Office Volunteer does the task but event chairs can also carryout these tasks. The steps for accomplishing these tasks is shown below.

This step is required when the Office is working with someone who has not already registered for the event. Once you have logged onto Wild Apricot and are in Admin_view

  1. Click on Contacts in the left vertical menu and then on List
  2. Enter the registrant's name in the search box.
    1. if they are a member their name will appear below the search box; click on their name
    2. If no name appears then they are not a member and click on Add contact and fill in as much of the contact information as you know and click on Save
  3. Click on the gray Events tab (between Membership and Donations) and then on the Record event registration button.
  4. From the popup window click on the desired event to highlight it and then click on Select. You now have a partially completed event registration form.
  5. Once the contact information is completed select the “Registration type”.  There will generally be only a couple of types to select from. If this is a hybrid event there will be two types: In-person and Virtual. Since hybrid events will have a limit on in-person attendees you will need to be careful in selecting in-person registration type to not exceed the type limits. Two things to check before assigning in-person registration type:
    1. Check the current in-person attendance to see if it has reached its limit (this search can be done in the Registrants & invitees tab). If the limit has been reached you must select Virtual registration type.
    2. Check if the total number of new registrants causes the In-Person attendance to exceed its maximum, and if so, ask the registrant if they want to drop some quests or go entirely Virtual Attendance.
  6. If not already checked, click on the “Show registration on event attendees list” box.
  7. The form may also have some additional information you need to enter (chicken vs veggie, etc.).
  8. If only the number of guests, i.e., no guest details like name required, enter the number of guests.
  9. When all the information is complete click the blue “Save” button at top.
  10. If the person is bringing a guest and guest detail is required, click on the green “Add guest” button and complete the form (no e-mail required for guest but if they have one enter it) and click on green “Save” and then on green “View main registration”. If there is more than one guest repeat this step until all guests have been added.
  11. Click on the blue “Send notification “button toward the top

While this is an unusual occurrence it does happen when the member forgets to include a check or when they call the Office and asked to be registered

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot and select Admin view.
  2. Click on Contacts in the left vertical menu and then on List
  3. Enter the registrant's name in the search box.
    1. if they are a member their name will appear below the search box; click on their name
    2. If no name appears then they are not a member and click on Add contact and fill in as much of the contact information as you know and click on Save
  4. Click on the gray Events tab (between Membership and Donations) and then on the Record event registration button.
  5. From the popup window click on the desired event to highlight it and then click on Select. You now have a partially completed event registration form.
  6. Once the contact information is completed select the “Registration type”.  There will generally be only a couple of types to select from. If this is a hybrid event there will be two types: In-person and Virtual. Since hybrid events will have a limit on in-person attendees you will need to be careful in selecting in-person registration type to not exceed the type limits. Two things to check before assigning in-person registration type:
    1. Check the current in-person attendance to see if it has reached its limit (this search can be done in the Registrants & invitees tab). If the limit has been reached you must select Virtual registration type.
    2. Check if the total number of new registrants causes the In-Person attendance to exceed its maximum, and if so, ask the registrant if they want to drop some quests or go entirely Virtual Attendance.
  7. If not already checked, click on the “Show registration on event attendees list” box.
  8. The form may also have some additional information you need to enter (chicken vs veggie, etc.).
  9. If only the number of guests, i.e., no guest details like name required, enter the number of guests.
  10. When all the information is complete click the blue “Save” button at top.
  11. If the person is bringing a guest and guest detail is required, click on the green “Add guest” button and complete the form (no e-mail required for guest but if they have one enter it) and click on green “Save” and then on green “View main registration”. If there is more than one guest repeat this step until all guests have been added.
  12. At this point you will see a yellow box with a warning “Registration does not have corresponding invoice”. Click in the following order Generate invoice and Save. Now click on the "Send email" button and then on "Send"; the member will now get an invoice explaining how to pay.

  1. Click on Contacts in the left vertical menu and then on List
  2. Enter the registrant's name in the search box.
    1. if they are a member their name will appear below the search box; click on their name
    2. If no name appears then they are not a member and click on Add contact and fill in as much of the contact information as you know and click on Save
  3. Click on the gray Events tab (between Membership and Donations) and then on the Record event registration button.
  4. From the popup window click on the desired event to highlight it and then click on Select. You now have a partially completed event registration form.
  5. Once the contact information is completed select the “Registration type”.  There will generally be only a couple of types to select from. If this is a hybrid event there will be two types: In-person and Virtual. Since hybrid events will have a limit on in-person attendees you will need to be careful in selecting in-person registration type to not exceed the type limits. Two things to check before assigning in-person registration type:
    1. Check the current in-person attendance to see if it has reached its limit (this search can be done in the Registrants & invitees tab). If the limit has been reached you must select Virtual registration type.
    2. Check if the total number of new registrants causes the In-Person attendance to exceed its maximum, and if so, ask the registrant if they want to drop some quests or go entirely Virtual Attendance.
  6. If not already checked, click on the “Show registration on event attendees list” box.
  7. The form may also have some additional information you need to enter (chicken vs veggie, etc.).
  8. If only the number of guests, i.e., no guest details like name required, enter the number of guests.
  9. When all the information is complete click the blue “Save” button at top.
  10. If the person is bringing a guest and guest detail is required, click on the green “Add guest” button and complete the form (no e-mail required for guest but if they have one enter it) and click on green “Save” and then on green “View main registration”. If there is more than one guest repeat this step until all guests have been added.
  11. At this point you will see a yellow box with a warning “Registration does not have corresponding invoice”. Click on Generate invoice and then on click Payment received in full. Select Check from the pull-down menu, add the check number to the notes box and then click on Save  A notice will automatically be sent to the registrant informing them that their registration is complete.

Occasionally a member, who has paid for an event, calls the Office and asks them to cancel their reservation or maybe just the reservation for a guest.

  • If the request comes before the registration deadline, the request can be processed (as shown below) and the member is eligible for a refund.
  • If the request comes in after the registration deadline, then the caller is told it is too late to cancel and their payment will revert to a donation.

Cancelling a registration for member and/or guest can be done using the following three step process.

Step 1 – Open the Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Select “Events” on the gray menu bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Step 2a – Remove Attendee or Invitee

  1. Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and locate the attendee. Only continue if the attendee is shown as paid. If not shown as paid, stop and go to the  accordion on "Registration deletion (not paid or free event)" to process a deletion.
  2. Click on the attendee and then on "Cancel reservation"

Step 2b – Remove a Guest

The method used to remove a guest depends on whether contact information has been collected or just the number of guests.

  1. If contact information on the guest has been collected:
    1. Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and select the attendee or Invitee who has a guest to be removed.
    2. click on the guest’s name in the list of names at the bottom of the screen.
    3. Click on the “Delete guest” button.
  2. If no Contact information on the guest has been collected:
    1. Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and select the attendee or Invitee who has a guest to be removed.
    2. click on the “Edit” button and edit the registration to remove the guest(s)

Step 3 - Process Refund

Getting a refund requires some additional effort for the attendee so it is important to keep the attendee on line until you know if they have paid and are elgible for a refund. If they are elgible the attendee must:

  1. download and complete a W4 form
  2. Send the completed from to the ASURA Office

Once the Office receives the completed W4, they send it to the Business Manager to process the refund.

If the person says this is too much and that ASURA should keep the money (maybe for one of the programs, Adopt-A-Family, Scholarship, Video History), then pass this information along to the Business Manger so they can process the money as a donation and not money for the event.

Occasionally a member, who has not yet paid for a paid event or has registered for a free event, calls the Office and asks them to cancel their reservation. Such requests are processed as a deletion.

Deleting a registration is done using the following two step process.

Step 1 – Open the Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot and move to "admin_view"
  2. Select “Events” on the vertical gray menu bar
  3. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  4. Click on the event to open it up

Step 2a – Remove Attendee or Invitee

  1. Click on the blue “Registrants & Invitees” button and locate the attendee.
    1. Continue only if the attendee is shown as not paid or the event is free.
    2. Stop if the attendee is shown as paid and go to the "Registration cancellation (remove paid event attendee)" accordion and follow the directions to cancel the registration and process a refund.
  2. Click on the attendee and then on "Delete" and then on "yes" if asked.

Generating an attendance can be done as follows:

Open Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Click on “Event list” in the “Events” menu on the gray bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Create Attendance Report

  1. Click on the blue “Reports” link in the horizonal menu bar and then on “Attendance list”
  2. Click on “Export to PDF” and select Open with Adobe Acrobat DC. It is best to open with Acrobat rather than saving the file because, depending on how you have your browser set up, it may not be clear where the file is saved. If you first open with Acrobat you can then save the file to a location of your choice. Note: If Wild Apricot seems to hang up after downloading the file; click on any item in the gray menu.
  3. Once saved print the file.

Many paid events have menu choices on the registration form. To generate a list of attendee’s selections:

Open Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Click on “Event list” in the “Events” menu on the gray bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Prepare Report

  1. Click on the blue “Reports” button in the horizonal menu bar and then click on “Registration fields”.
  2. If not already checked, click on the “Include pending registrations” box in the right column.
  3. From the left column select the options you want to have counted. If you want to have a list that shows what each attendee has selected then check the “Show participant details” box in the right column. Once you have made your selections click on the blue “Generate” button. You should now see the report on your screen.
  4. There is currently no way to download this list. The best thing to do if the list is longer than one screen is to select the entire page, control A, copy the selection to your clipboard, control C, and then copy the clip board to Excel, control V.

Generating a list of attendee’s selections is done as follows:

Open Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot (http://asura.wildapricot.org)
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Click on “Event list” in the “Events” menu on the gray bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Prepare Report

  1. Click on the blue “Reports” button and then click on “Registration fields”.
  2. If not already checked, click on the “Include pending registrations” box in the right column
  3. Check the “Show participant details” box in the right column
  4. From the left column select the options you want to have shown. Once you have made your selections click on the green “Generate” button. You should now see the report on your screen.
  5. There is currently no way to download this list. The best thing to do if the list is longer than one screen is to select the entire page, control A, copy the selection to your clipboard, control C, and then copy the clip board to Excel, control V.

Occasionally the event chair would like pre-printed name tags or maybe a report that is a bit more detailed than the attendance report. If that is the case the following instruction explain how to generate an Excel list with the desired attendee information. A Excel list of just first and last names can be used by a name tag generating program.

Open event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Click on “Event list” in the “Events” menu on the gray bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open the event 

Prepare Excel list

  1. Click on the blue “Export attendees” button toward the top of the page. This will  open a popup window with many choices.
    1. Export to:  if not already selected select XLS (Excel 2003+)
    2. Export all fields:  uncheck this box, you almost never want everything
    3. To select what data you want, first select the Clear all link at the bottom of each set of data fields and then select the data you want by clicking in the box to the left of the item.
  2. Click on Export which brings up a popup window asking what to do with the file. Select Open with Excel which is the default and then click on OK
  3. Once the file is open in Excel the next step is to save the file. This can be done using the “Save As” option and selecting the standard Excel extension .xlsx.
  4. What you now have is a list of attendees which includes all the data you selected to be downloaded for each attendee.

Process registration

Some amount of manual event processing by the Office is required for most events. The one exception is for free events where only call-in requests are handled in the Office. 

There are six different registration scenarios the Office handles:

  • Case A – Free Events  (In-person / Virtual  / Hybrid Event)
  • Case B – Paid Events (Registration Form)
  • Case C – Paid Events (Copy of Payment Instructions Email)
  • Case D – Paid Event (Missing Check)
    • Case D1 – Phone Registration
    • Case D2 - Only Invoice Received
    • Case D3 - Only Registration Form Received.
  • Case E – Paid Event (Check Only)
  • Case F – Paid Event (Payment Directly to Event and not ASURA)

This case covers all free events which can be all In-person, all Virtual, or Hybrid ( a mix of in-person and virtual). For free events the Office will not receive anything for members who register online but the Office will need to register those members who choose to call the Office. 

There is only one step - Add registrant (see Add attendee to free event in left column)

This situation occurs when the user does not register online but rather downloads a registration form which they complete and send to the Office with a check..

  1. Add the registrant following the Add attendee to paid event with check
  2. Send the registration form and check to the Business Manager


The case occurs when a registrant registers online and sends in payment along with the invoice.

Open Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Click on “Event list” in the “Events” menu on the gray bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Process the registration

  1. Click on the Registrants & Invitees gray tab and find the person in the list of attendees. Note if the person is not in the list you will need to research why (this may require contacting the Business Manager or other WA Administrator for help).
  2. Processing the Check
    1. Check to make sure the check is correct (right amount, signed, etc.).  If there are any problems stop and call the person to get the problem straightened out. Checks must be made payable to ASU Foundation ASURA
    2. If there are no problems with the check click on “Record payment” button
    3. Enter the check number in the “Internal notes” box
    4. Click on “Check” in the “Tender” pull down menu
    5. Click on “Save”
    6. Do not click on the “Email Tab”; once the information is saved Wild Apricot automatically sends the registrant an email letting them know their check has been successfully processed and they are registered.
  3. Send the material, check & email notice, to the Business Manager

There are three different situations when the Office processes a registration and there is no check:  1) a phone registration, 2) only invoice received, and 3) only registration form received.

Case D1 - Phone Registration

Occasionally a member will call, ask to be registered, and promises to send the check in as soon as possible. This occurs most frequently when the person has waited until the last minute to register. If you receive such a request you might suggest they register online which can be done without having to log into Apricot but does require an e-mail.  Assuming the person does not want to register online then the following process would be used.

Add the caller to the event following the instructions in Add attendee to paid event no check. The caller will get an email with payment instructions.

Case D2 - only invoice received

This occurs when the member has registered online but has forgotten to include a check with the invoice that is mailed in. Call the member and ask them to send a check. Keep the invoice to match with the check when it arrives.

Case D3 - only registration form received

This occurs when the member sends in a registration form but forgets to include a check. Process this the same as Case D1. You might want to call the member and ask that they send a check. Keep the registration form to match with the check when it arrives.

Occasionally the office will receive just a check in the mail. There are a number of possible causes. For example the person could have:

  • registered online and forgot to include the invoice,
  • forgotten to include the registration form,
  • phoned in earlier and had already been added (Case D)

Open Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” button (upper right of the screen)
  3. Click on “Event list” in the “Events” menu on the gray bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Process the registration

  1. Click on the Attendees & Invitees gray tab and search for the person named on the check.
    1. If you do not find the person in the list of attendees then add the attendee following the instructions for Add attendee to paid event with check.
    2. If you find the person in the list of attendees
      1. if they have a Record payment button follow Step 2 for

        Case C.
      2. if they have a Generate invoice button click on the Generate invoice link and click the Payment received in full box; select check from the Select payment tender pull-down menu. Click on Save. The attendee will automatically get an email saying their registration is complete.

The Travel Committee creates events where the payment goes directly to the event provider and not through ASURA, i., e., no checks are sent to the Office. The Office does nothing for those members who use online registration but if someone calls in asking to be registered the Office processes the registration as if this were Case D.

Note:  while technically members can sign up and pay for these events without ever using Wild Apricot, ASURA would like to have a record of who attends what types of events and hence needs to have members use Wild Apricot to initiate the registration process.

Post Event Processing.

Since no money comes to the Office all the registered members for the event will show a balance due which needs to be corrected. The registration could be deleted but this eliminates the data and instead the following process ends up marking the event as free and most importantly does not send the member a new email.

Open Event

  1. Log onto Wild Apricot
  2. If you came up in “Public View” click on the “Admin_view” link (upper right of the screen)
  3. Select “Events” on the gray menu bar (not Events in the black bar)
  4. Enter the event name in the “Search” box.  Even if there is no information about which event the check is for, the amount of the check should make it clear which event the check is for.
  5. Click on the event to open it up

Remove bogus fee due

  1. Click on the Attendees & Invitees gray tab you should see a list of attendees all of which have a “Record payment” button.
  2. For each person in the list click in the following order:
    1. the person’s name,
    2. invoice number (in yellow box),
    3. blue “Void invoice” button and then click on Void invoice button that pops up)
    4. Delete invoice button and then again on Delete in the popup window
  3. Click on Events in the vertical menu, click on the event, and again click on the Attendees & Invitees gray tab
  4. Once all the “Record payment” buttons have been replaced click on “Confirm without invoice” button for all registrants. All the registrants should now have a “Payment status” of “Free”.

Updated February 22, 2023 by Barry McNeill