Stop email for lapsed members

When a membership lapses no more emails should be sent.


If a member does not renew by the end of the grace period, i.e., by August 30, an automatic process changes their membership to "lapsed". However, that process leaves email settings as they were, which means that newly-lapsed members continue to receive ASURA communications.

About September 1, this process is run to turn off emails for lapsed members. 

  1. From the Wild Apricot contacts menu, click on the "Advanced search" tab.
  2. Create and run a search with the following criteria:
    1. Member status is lapsed
    2. Renewal due is July 1, YYYY, where YYYY is the current year
    3. Receiving emails disabled is No

Keep the search open for the following step.


  1. Click on the Export button at the top of the Advanced search page.
  2. Select the fields "User ID", "Last Name", "Event Announcements", and "Member emails and newsletters".
  3. Save the file to your computer. It  will have a name that includes "Contacts ASU Retirees Association".

  1. In Microsoft Excel, open the file you created in the previous step.
  2. Change the contents of the columns headed "Event announcements" and "Member emails and newsletters" to "No" (without the quotation marks).
  3. Save the file on your computer as an xlsx file, using a name you can recognize, such as "DisableLapsedEmails.xlsx".
  4. From the contacts menu in Wild Apricot, click on "Import"  in the menu along the top.
  5. Browse to the file you have created and click on the upload button.
  6. In the comments field, identify why you are importing these records, for example, "Turn off emails for lapsed members".
  7. Click on "Import".
  8. Map the Member ID and the two revised fields.
  9. Check the results to make sure there are no errors and that the number of records updated looks appropriate.


Updated 17 Aug 2022 by Connie McNeill