Find volunteers in membership database

When members join or renew their ASURA membership they are asked to indicate their interest(s) in any of the various ASURA projects and committees. This information can be checked to see who have expressed an interest in one or several of the event committees

To get the list of members who have indicated an interest in your committee you need to conduct an Advanced Search of the membership database as follows.

  1. Log onto ASURA’s Wild Apricot site.
  2. Make sure you are in admin view. To do this, look in the upper right area of the screen, in the gray stripe. If you see "Switch to admin view", click on those words. Once you've done this, the words should change to "To public view". See Navigating WA menus for help
  3. Click on "Contacts" in the gray administrative menu bar.
  4. Click on the blue "Saved searches".
  5. Scroll down to and click on the blue "Find ASURA Volunteer".
  6. Click on the blue "remove"  for all the committee groups that you're not interested in; there can be only one group for the search to work. Note: be careful to not remove the last criteria - Membership status.
  7. In the remaining group, uncheck boxes for committees that you're not interested in, and check boxes for the committees you ARE interested in.
  8. Click on the gray "Search" button.
  9. A list of all members who have expressed an interest in the committees whose boxes you checked will appear in the lower part of the screen.
  10. If you wish, you may download this list by clicking on the green "Export" button. When you use this option remember to:
    1. Select the XLX (Excel 2003+) format from the selection box at the top of the pop-up window
    2. Select on those fields you are interested in, generally  only the first few columns  (e.g., name, e-mail, phone, address) and the committee you are looking for help with, e.g., Events Committee, Community Outreach, etc..

Note: this is a sample of the type of database searches that are possible. If you want to do other searches see Wild Apricot Help.

Updated  November 15, 2021