Book Drive - book collection and sales

ASURA partners with the Friends of the Phoenix Public Library to sell donated books. Friends gives ASURA half of the profits from sales.

See website information


  • Books donated to ASURA are either delivered to the ASURA office or picked up by an ASURA volunteer from the donor.
  • ASURA's office volunteers receive the books and provide the donor with a Gift in Kind Approval form, which is an ASU Foundation form.
  • The donor completes the form, which includes a place to supply the value of the donation, and returns it to the office.
  • Office volunteers forward the form to the ASURA business manager, who sends it via email to
  • The Foundation sends the donor a gift acknowledgment that they may use for tax purposes.
  • Donated books are placed in special Friends of the Phoenix Public Library collection barrels in a storage room in the Community Service Building (CSB). The barrels are provided to ASURA by Friends.
  • A driver from Friends picks them up periodically. The driver empties or replaces the collection barrels.


Committee chair responsibilities

The chair of the Book Drive committee has overall responsibility to making sure that the program is well advertised.

Currently, ASURA provides information about the book donation program and solicits donations:

  • In pre-retirement programs offered by Human Resources
  • In the welcome letter that goes to new members
  • In membership renewal notices
  • On the ASURA website
  • Occasionally via E-News or Prime Times

The book donation flyer is a printable description and advertisement of the program. It is included in paper mailings and is available for anyone to print from the ASURA website.

The chair should review the donation flyer and the website  periodically, and update it as needed.


The chair's contact information is listed in the program's advertising materials. If someone has questions or needs someone to come collect their books, the chair responds.

Ideally, the chair has a group of volunteers ready to help collect books from people who cannot bring them or have them delivered to the ASURA office.

The chair coordinates with the person at Friends who is responsible for picking up books from donors like the ASURA, to make sure that collections are timely enough that books are not piling up too much in the ASURA storage room.

The chair also assures that payment for our share of sales of books we donated is sent to the ASURA business manager in a timely way.

The chair reports to the ASURA Board on how the program is doing. This may include submitting a report on book sales to attach to Board materials.


Updated 20 Feb 2022 by Connie McNeill